Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sexualization too soon

It is true that media has created far more opportunities for young children to be exposed to ideas about sex and sexuality at a far younger age than they have been in the past. This made me think about the children who are in my life, and about indications of this sexuality. I had a girl in my three year old room last year, for instance, who announced to the class that she was pregnant and that one of the boys in the class was the "baby daddy.". I have a girl this year who dances in a manner that even a stripper might find embarrassing.

These experiences combined with examples in the article made me think a lot about the exposure young children have to sex as well as the ease of access to sexual materials. It can even happen by accident. A person may be searching for something innocent on the Internet, and find sexual content instead. For example, I recently did a search for pictures of tacos for a class display, and many pornographic photos popped up on the screen. These things happen to children as well.

I think we are living in a time when adults must be open to discussing these issues even with young children when necessary. I am not a proponent of exposing young children to sexuality, but it is also important to not ignore the exposure that children are receiving and to be ready to answer questions in age appropriate ways. It is important to explain things to children so that they are clear about what they are seeing in the media, and are clear about what they should and should not act out at their age.

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