Saturday, February 18, 2012

Challenges of Young Serbian Children

My husband is Serbian, so it seemed natural for me, when looking at challenges of different groups of children around the world, to look at a group that is close to my heart. Serbia was once a part of communist Yugoslavia. In the 90's the region had a bloody civil war which, following carpet bombing by the Clinton administration, resulted in the break up of Yugoslavia into several smaller countries -one being Serbia.

Children of Serbia have faced many challenges since the war. Thousands of children were left physically and emotionally scarred. Even more were left orphaned. The level of poverty within this war torn country was unimaginable. The majority of Serbian children grew up in overcrowded orphanages with little food or resources. Even those who had families had very little sustenance in their lives. While the country tried to rebuild itself and adjust to a new form of government, many families and children suffered.

Things are looking up for the children of Serbia today, but their is still a long way to go. Under the communist system, every citizen was given a job and education was provided based on proficiency. Employment was determined at a young age, and education was provided as training for future employment. The system had to shift because now people must be competetive to survive. The idea of all inclusive education in Serbia is new, and many people with children who are disabled or marginalized are not aware of their children's right to an education or of how to obtain resources for their children. Currently UNICEF is working to change that, and to ensure that all of the children of Serbia receive an education.


  1. 'tina,
    I didn't know that the families of Serbia wasn't aware that their disabled children also had a right to education. It's sad to think that I have such a western mentality that I assume that all parents have this right or know they have this right. I want to thank you for opening my eyes. Great post!

  2. Kristina,
    This was a great post and provided such great insight into what other children and families face around the world. It is so sad to see children suffer and not have opportunities like the children here do. The lack of food, education, and other resources do affect the children in their development. Hopefully with help they receive things can begin to look up for the children.

  3. I had no idea the children of Siberia had to endure so much. I am however glad to hear of all the changes. Although, like you said, they have much more progress to be made. It seems that great things have come - education and employment. After reading this, I wondered - where would our country be if many people who are struggling were offered those two major components in their lives. Something to think about...

  4. Hi,
    Thank you for sharing such an informative post! It is saddening to think of all the struggles and challenges millions of children and their families face to simply survive. You are right, employment and education are big factors in stability and success in a nation; it is wonderful that there are organizations such as UNICEF working globally to help increase opportunities for children and their families to become educated, find jobs, and have access to resources. Although there is a lot that needs to be done, learning about this and taking the time to help raise awareness are important first steps.

  5. Kristina,

    It is great that you were able to relate your life to an actual assignment. I really felt like you related how important your husband's culture and background is to your culture and daily live. I must say that it is very informative to hear about the struggles and challenges in other cultures. I will look into these issues that you have presented and find ways that I can assist with the problem.
