Saturday, April 16, 2011

Education - if not equal, at least fair

I heard from my professional contact, Zora Petrovich, regarding the professional expectations of teachers in Serbia.  She explained that the profession of "teacher" in Serbia is very prestigious and respected.  It is believed, culturally, that a teacher must be highly educated in order to impart knowledge to their students.   Therefore, only people of high intelligence and who are very successful academically themselves are able to enter the teaching profession.  

However, there is currently a great deal of unrest among Serbian teachers regarding compensation and benefits.  There has been a salary freeze for almost three years and the state owes teachers for years of benefits.  The wages teachers are currently given are not enough to sustain a family, and social  dissension is growing.  The new government allows for some privileged citizens to live well while others are allowed to starve.  Tensions are high throughout the country.

Still, despite the current social situation, education is considered to be of great importance.  Serbia has produced many great scientists, innovators and thinkers, such as Nikola Tesla,Mileva Meric Einstein and Ivo Andric.  The country expects to continue this great tradition, and teachers, regardless of their treatment by the government, have an internal sense of responsibility for the education of our future leaders.  Therefore, they continue to educate and impart knowledge.

"The idea of equal education for all citizens in a democratic society is quite lofty.  In communism, there was no social stratification of the classes, so education was based on ability level rather than economic level.  Currently, many children receive no schooling while others receive the highest level of education in the world.  I do not think education will be equalized, but I would like it to be fair.  I think that every child should have the right to education and for the opportunity to grow.  I think that economics should not drive education, but, rather, potential.  Children should be allowed to go as far as they are able to go regardless of family income."


  1. Wow Kristina. It is amazing to see such endurance by teachers. Although they are suffering, not getting their benefits, and having their salaries frozen, they continue to teach because it is the right thing to do. I applaud them for standing up for what they believe in and doing the right thing. Thanks for sharing!

    Candace M.

  2. It is really interesting that teachers must be highly educated but yet again they fail to be compensated for the work they do with children. It shows that teachers really to the work for the love of building the future of children.

  3. Agneatha,

    Sounds like the same issues teachers in America are concerned about. It is shocking that the government decides who lives and who starves.It is encouraging that there are teachers who care so much about children that the are willing to sacrifice everything. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Very interesting post!!! It is sad that the teachers are so respected but are not being paid for what is clearly important. These teachers obviously care so much for their students and their jobs that they are willing to continue to do their job when they can hardly support their own families.
