Saturday, March 12, 2011

Professional Resources

World Forum Nature Action Collaborative for Children (NACC)

Due to my personal love for and reverence for nature, and my concern for the effects that a lack of connection to nature could have on the lives of today's children, I was very excited to find the NACC website.  This project of the world Forum is in place to increase awareness of the need for nature activities for young children as well as provide resources and networking possibilities to people working with young children.  

The NACC pots out a bi-monthly newsletter entitled "WONDER" which addresses the  need for nature education in Early Childhood, highlights programs that are providing Nature Education, and gives ideas of ways to include Nature Education into the classroom.

The NACC call to action:

"The Call To Action beckons families, educators, and community leaders worldwide to take action, to strengthen children's connection to nature - making developmentally appropriate nature education a sustaining and enriching, fully integrated part of the daily lives and education of the world's children."

The website explains that Nature deficit Disorder is affecting children around the world.  as children become more and more dependent upon electronic devices and games, they become less and less connected to the world around them.  This is a problem that crosses ethnic and cultural boundaries and affects us all.


  1. I love that they have a coined the term...Nature Deficit Disorder! It is so true! Children spend way too much time indoors and need to get out and explore the wonders of our Earth! Now, we need to focus on treating Nature Deficit Disorder and get children excited about nature, not about Nintendo DS!

  2. I am very excited that you have selected this organization. I agree and think this is a great area. Children are now so focus on electronics that the good old outdoor is pushed to the back. Looking forward to reading your post.

  3. This sounds like a great organization! I believe our children do not get enough outdoor time especially in school. Here is the name of a book you might want to check out, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder by: Richard Louv
    I have it on my blog from class 1. It came highly recommended at a facilitors training I attended in the Fall.
